Saturday, May 22, 2010

Catchup Post: PR'ed distance on 103 mile bike, strong swim, and hammered it on a brick

Haven't been great about the blog posts lately, here is the catchup:

Last weekend, I did the Montauk Century Ride, actually about 103 miles all in. Just over six hours, good workout, but the lingering Adenovirus i caught had an impact. In anycase good day.

2.1 mile swim workout and PR'ed the pace on Tuesday

Today's brick was a PR as well, 72 mile bike at tempo, and a 10k run at a good clip. I'm kinda beat, but a great workout with my friend Domenic. Definitely qualified as "hammering it"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Adenovirus + Plantar Fascitis Beatdown!

It's been 2 weeks now that I'm doing anything but hammering it. What a horrible deal. I did get a good swim in this Tuesday, but not a single good workout since.

Been impossible to get out of bed in the AM most days. Put on bike shorts, but couldnt get on the bike yesterday. What a major, major bummer.

My left foot has been in bad shape with Plantar Fascitis. I got a magnetic roller that really seems to work, and the number of a highly regarded rolfer in NYC. I need some help!

Tommorow AM is an 80 mile ride with some friends. Hopefully I am up to the test of the day... I think once I break through the beat up and tired part of the AM, I should be good.

Monday, May 3, 2010

8.1 mile run... low heart rate at good pace...

8.1 mile run today, legs were still pretty sore from 8 mile TT on friday and this weekends bike drills. kept my heart rate way down though, and opened it up at the end and got up to the 5:30-6 min. mile range without reaching max hr. pretty cool.

Hoping to hop on the bike when i get home tonight. still dont have the new software to install my trainer at the office for early/late/lunchtime rides... anxious. legs are definitely getting stronger from the trainer workouts. quads fitting less and less into my jeans

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Forced to skip Saturday, OK Sunday workout

Saturday's run was bagged. Achilles and plantar fascia were in too much pain to run on... the thought of running through the pain was there, but would not risk a serious injury.

Got in an early ride on the trainer for 1:30 --but on a day like today it should have been 3+ hours. Hard to fit it all in. Watched the movie "2012" while riding. Not great.

My friend David Brinker dropped a note with a few thoughts. Says my swim still sucks. I guess I have to get more serious on the swim, though i feel like the whole thing at this point is about the bike and bike-run bricks. the swim will get done, and a few minutes either way wont be such a big deal.

Might try and sneak in another bike trainer to get the miles up this evening.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Swim Progress

Just read one of my blogs from 2 weeks ago. did a 58 minute mile... this past week, KO'ed a 33:43 mile (in pool)

technique (and some decent sleep) trump brute force again.

PR'ed the 8 mile distance, averaging 7:29 miles

Good run, went out a little fast.

Also PR'ed the mile earlier in the week. Missed long run today though, due to some serious knee pain.

I need to replace the tire on my bike... cycling( OUTDOORS) season is here, and i have got to hammer that bike right up to the ironman.
