Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Catchup Post... threshold rides, virus, and blazing distance runs

Been a while since last post... here is the update.

I've been doing much longer rides, and riding at much higher wattages. bike has progressed a lot. a 100 mile ride no longer seems like much of a challenge in itself, granted, if I took the pace/power up further, it would get harder to hold. other than that, it's become kind of doable, and i now look forward to those workouts. i've been "bricking" those long rides with tempo runs. holding a 7:30 mile pace off the bike. just a year ago, i thought that was a fast pace to run without the hours of biking ahead of it. the fitness is way up.

i got a bad stomach virus that wiped out a week of training. very dissapointing, but the bounce back was great. i went for a 18 mile race pace run, and really hammered it yesterday. 8:05 miles, with something left in the tank... pace kept drifting up to 7:30, which i dialed down (intelligently, i think --i've done my share of overzealous blowups!)

headed up to the adirondacks for a few days or r&r and training. have some good runs, and a ton of distance swimming in pristine 13th lake.  should be awesome.

went to swim this am, and both of the pools i used were closed until after school restarts. major bummer. should have jumped in the ocean, but i like to go long and enjoy the ocean swims. today was a pure technique and recovery workout.

and i ran over a huge piece of metal that was lying in the street the other day, and blew out my front tubular, major buzzkill, gotta get my bike over to the shop for some TLC. all them miles on rough roads have taken their toll, and the bike doesnt recover as well as we humans : )

next race in the MightyMan 70.3 Ironman, my "warmup" to the Florida Ironman. Very hilly course, which i need to plan on some rides to prep for those hills. I am so much stronger than ever before on the hills though, that I think I'll do ok with them, and blaze it on the run. should be fun.

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